Brewster's Warbler - Michigan - 2017
/The Brewster's Warbler (photos 3-6), first identified by William Brewster in 1874, is a hybrid of Blue-winged (photo 1) and Golden-winged Warblers (photo 2).
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Blue-winged Warbler - Michigan - May 2017
Blue-winged Warbler - Michigan - May 2017. Note the white wing bars and the yellow throat.
Golden-winged Warbler - Michigan - May 2017
Golden-winged Warbler - Michigan - May 2017. Note black throat and golden wing bars.
Brewster's Warbler - Michigan - May 2017
Brewster's Warbler - Michigan - May 2017
The Brewster's Warbler is the product of a first-generation cross between Blue-winged and Golden-winged birds. It has a white throat, the black eyeline of Blue-winged and yellowish wing bars and yellow cap of Golden-winged.
Brewster's Warbler - Michigan - May 2017
Brewster's Warbler - Michigan - May 2017
Brewster's Warbler - Michigan - May 2017
Brewster's Warbler - Michigan - May 2017
Brewster's Warbler - Michigan - May 2017