More about the Snow Geese at Bosque del Apache NWR in New Mexico
/Close inspection of photos of the flocks of snow geese at Bosque presented in the previous posts may reveal a few geese with a dark gray body. The Snow Goose (Chen caerulescens) may appear as a white or a dark morph. The more common white morph has a snowy white plumage except the primary wing feathers are black. The dark morph has a dark gray body and white head. Both morphs have orange legs and black tomia (serrated edges along the sides of the reddish/pink bill).
Ross’ Goose may also be a member of the flock, but they are seen less frequently. The distinction between Snow and Ross’ geese is illustrated and described below.
Cllick on the image to see a slightly larger version.
This is a photo of a dark morph snow goose showing the dark gray body and white head.
White and dark morph snow geese in flight.
Two dark morph snow geese descending to join a large number of white morph geese.