Birding Trip Report – SE Texas – April 2017 – Part 1
/April 25, 2017. I drove from Pensacola FL to Winnie TX. This is a prime time of the year for warbler migration and the weather report was favorable. The motels in Winnie are the closest to birding spots at High Island, Anahuac NWR and the Bolivar peninsula. I arrived in time to do some preliminary scouting and got photos of Black Terns, Eastern Kingbirds, Green Herons, Least Sandpipers, Stilt Sandpipers and Wilson’s Snipe. I was all set to hit High Island and check out the migratory birds the next morning.
April 26, 2017. As I exited the motel room I was greeted by dense fog, strong wind, totally overcast skies, and too few photons for photography in the wooded areas at High Island, even if the birds would brave the wind and make an appearance. Seeking more light, I headed for the coast. What I found is depicted in the first photo. This is a view of what remains of the initial section of highway that once ran from the Bolivar Peninsula to Port Arthur, TX. This section of the highway was destroyed by Hurricane Allen in 1980 and has been permanently closed since then.
Click on the images for a larger view.
Weather conditions early morning April 26, 2017
Weather conditions early morning April 26, 2017. Note the fog, the Brown Pelicans and the waves.
6 AM. Rollover Pass. Clip from Google maps, satellite view. Rollover Pass (lower left) is a man-made cut from the Gulf of Mexico through the peninsula. The tidal flow through the cut generates favorable conditions for fishermen and birders. Smith Oaks Sanctuary, one section of the Houston's Audubon preserves at High Island, is seen at the top right.
Black Tern - Rollover Pass, TX - April 2017
Black Terns were actively feeding in the waves generated in the pass by the wind and the tide. This bird is in breeding plumage. Light levels were low and high ISOs were required to try to stop the action. Images are not of high quality, but I enjoyed trying to capture some of the action.
Black Tern - Rollover Pass, TX - April 2017
Black Terns, breeding and nonbreeding plumage - Rollover Pass, TX - April 2017
Black Tern - Rollover Pass, TX - April 2017
Black Tern fishing - Rollover Pass, TX - April 2017
Black Tern - Rollover Pass, TX - April 2017
Black Tern fishing - Rollover Pass, TX - April 2017
Black Tern - Rollover Pass, TX - April 2017
Black Tern fishing - Rollover Pass, TX - April 2017
Black Tern - Rollover Pass, TX - April 2017
Black Tern fishing - Rollover Pass, TX - April 2017
White-faced Ibis - Bolivar Peninsula, TX - April 2017
8 AM. Gravel road through pasture and oil pumping stations between High Island and the Gulf. Wading birds feeding in the small pools of water hidden in the reeds. White-faced Ibis - Bolivar Peninsula, TX - April 2017
Great Egret - Bolivar Peninsula - April 2017
Great Egret - Bolivar Peninsula - April 2017
Snowy Egret - Bolivar Peninsula - April 2017
Snowy Egret - Bolivar Peninsula - April 2017
Dickcissel - Anahuac NWR (TX) - April 2017