North Dakota - June 2017 - More Photos
/Images of Prairie Dog, Ruddy Duck, Upland Sandpiper, Eastern Kingbird and Yellow-headed Blackbird follow.
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Prairie Dog - Theodore Roosevelt National Park South Unit - North Dakota
I saw several colonies of Prairie Dogs as I drove through the various areas I birded, but did not see Burrowing Owls in or near any of these locations.
Ruddy Duck - Chase Lake NWR - North Dakota
Adult male Ruddy Duck in breeding plumage. All About Birds (The Cornell Lab of Ornithology) notes that Ruddy Ducks have "seemingly oversized tails that they habitually hold upright" and that breeding males "are almost cartoonishly bold, with a sky-blue bill, shining white cheek patch, and gleaming chestnut body." The prairie pothole region of North Dakota is one of their major breeding areas.
Upland Sandpiper - Rhame Prairie area - North Dakota
These "shorebirds" are found in grasslands, not on shores. Upland Sandpipers are found in open country with tall grasses and, according to Wikipedia, at airports, blueberry farms and abandoned strip mines.
Eastern Kingbird - Lostwood NWR - North Dakota
Eastern Kingbirds were everywhere, but I did not take many photos because they are also commonly found in many areas that I visit in the southeastern U.S.
Yellow-headed Blackbird - Horsehead Lake WMA - North Dakota
I rarely see Yellow-headed Blackbirds in my usual birding areas and enjoyed watching their behaviors and trying to capture decent images of these birds.
Yellow-headed Blackbird - Horsehead Lake WMA - North Dakota