Wilson's Snipe and their reflections
/The photos were taken on January 25 and 26, 2025 at Black Point Wildlife Drive, Merritt Island NWR, FL.
Olympus OM-1 camera and 150-400 f4.5 tc lens
David Sparks
The photos were taken on January 25 and 26, 2025 at Black Point Wildlife Drive, Merritt Island NWR, FL.
Olympus OM-1 camera and 150-400 f4.5 tc lens
While visiting Merritt Island NWR in Florida, I have been amazed by the detail preserved in the reflection of birds when the water is still. Actually, I seem to have become addicted to including the reflection in the photos of my subjects. Evidence of my addiction is found below.
Photo of the Green Heron
Photo of the reflection of the bird
The reflections of the birds are a bit darker than the image of the bird. It should be noted that during post processing, I adjusted the exposure slider to try to remove that difference in order to enable comparison of the detail in the image of the bird and that of the reflection.
The photo of the reflection of the bird has been flipped vertically.
Image of the bird on the left and the flipped version of the reflection on the right
I had many opportunities to view and photograph the foot-dragging feeding behavior of Snowy Egrets while spending December, 2024 and January, 2025 in Titusville, Florida. Eight photos of successful behavior in which the catch can be seen in the beak of the bird are shown below. The last photo captured an occasion in which success may have been thwarted because a tern reached the prey first.
Both birds in the photo above have minnows in their beaks. It was when I saw pools of water with multiple birds simultaneouly engaged in the foot-dragging behavior that I was motivated to photograph the action. Thus, my efforts to photograph the foot-dragging behavior almost never yielded a photo of a single bird in the frame. The photos showing a single bird are cropped versions of the original.
Who gives a hoot
about the feet
of a Coot,
even if for fun
across the water
you might run.
But, finding your lover
might be difficult
in the midst of a cover*.
*The collective noun for coots is a cover.
Photo of a cover of American Coots taken in January 2016 at Merritt Island NWR in Florida
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